Internships & Working Students

We have internships available and placements for live in working students willing to learn and be involved in all aspects of our business.

INTERNSHIP at $600 per week including accommodation, food, regular lessons and sessions with horses, showcases, natural horse-friendship play days and experiencing what it takes to assist and run an equine centre.

WORKING STUDENTS PLACEMENTS: Help with all the day to day tasks around running a retreat and equine centre, contribute $250 per week towards living costs and food in exchange for time with horses, showcases and natural horse-friendship play days as and tuition as and when time is available.

For more information - contact Rosemary 09 420 2040 or email info@dunelakeslodge with CV.

Contact us to discuss

470 Wilson Road
South Kaipara Head
Helensville 0874

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