
Horse Friendship "Play Days" & Equine Circle Workshops

 Natural Horse Friendship "Play Days"

These horse "Play Days" are based on the ‘I-Thou Horse-Friendship’ philosophy which follows the rhythm of horses innate knowing and natural intelligence by respecting their culture and sensitivity.  

By gaining an understanding of horse psychology, herd dynamics, and a ‘learning from horses’ approach where an I/thou relationship is practiced rather than an I/it dynamic.  ‘I-Thou Horse-Friendship’ comes from an approach of how humans can best serve the horse and with congruency act as a herd leader.   It starts with honouring the horse and looking at life from a horse's perspective and becoming aware how our energy and focus affects our equine friends. Discover their language and learn how to apply it to our own lives.

Giving horses a better deal by playing and building confidence with them on the ground allows everyone to enjoy the experience of "being with horses" in a conscious and safe way.

By working WITH the horse's behaviour, instincts and personality in a responsive, easy and effective way you build a partnership. When a solid foundation of understanding is in place confidence flourishes in both horse and human.

Every equine interest is suddenly accessible as the union truly becomes a partnership. In our experience being with horses speaks to our need to connect with the earth, with animals, and ourselves.

Regular Workshops

Women's Equine Circle

Mother & Daughter Equine Circle 

The Magic Of Horses

Explore the aspects of the Human-Herd-Heart Connection. Celebrate the gifts that horses bring to our lives.  An enriching and inspiring experience.  

Women's Equine Circle Dates 2023:

15 January * 19 February  *  19 March * 16 April

TIME: 10am - 5pm


BYO plant-based food for shared lunch

An interactive, experiential learning environment incorporating mindfulness practices, body-mind connection activities and transformational learning that builds emotional intelligence, promotes physical and mental stimulation.

Master the subtleties of horse language and herd behaviour with practical experiences on building a relationship with a 500kg horse in a safe, supported space.

Learning experiences include:

  • Experiential thinking, doing, problem-solving life skills
  • Interactive, challenging and fun
  • Improved sense of power and influence
  • Increase self-esteem and confidence
  • A new body awareness that activates the mind
  • Emotional and spiritual stimulation
  • Successfully overcome fears
  • Provides a healthy sensory input
  • Helps handle and relieve stress and the chaos of life
  • Resets outmoded belief systems


"Coming to the equine circle workshops on a monthly basis is balm for my soul."  Andrea

"Allows vulnerability in a safe group setting which forms connection, understanding and learning." K.M.

"This has shone a light on a number of things as the horses teach me how I tend to show up in life."  Jasmine

"The workshop enabled me to do a significant piece of work today on forgiving myself." K.N.

The horses have pushed me to more self reflection in ways I did not think possible." L.R.

"This was a truly transformational workshop, filled with a variety of experiences that just made me feel so much love and connection and hope". K.S.

"Arohanui from me to you and your wonderful horses. There is a lot more to this work than meets the eye that’s for sure". A.

"I found great relief by shedding some deeply held sadness that had stayed with me for many years. It was a wonderful day". K.U.

Facilitator: Rosemary Wyndham-Jones

These workshops are geared towards individual needs and requirements. No riding is involved and no previous horse experience is necessary.

Prior to attending this course my horses walked all over me. I've had tonnes of lessons both here and in Australia and in a short number of hours I was taught the most valuable lessons. I felt safe and in control of the relationship with my horse, a first for me!"


I recently had the privilege of staying at your lodge & wanted to thank you for your help & advice. I was with the group of Adult riders from Totara Park - my horse was the Chestnut thoroughbred that played up. You kindly loaned me a saddle & rope halter to ride the three hour trek & gave me techniques to use when he was misbehaving.

As an update I have continued with the natural horsemanship in conjunction with the Adult ride and have even got the Riding for the disabled using it. We have started working with the ponies we use for the Riding for the disabled & the changes in them is really great. I have also not ridden in a bridle since my visit & am looking to purchase a torsion saddle or something equally as good. I learnt a lot from the weekend at your lodge & the horse & I have a new enthusiasm for riding. Thanks.


Last weekend I attend a Natural Horsemanship weekend at Dune Lakes Lodge. I have not had any experience with Natural Horsemanship before this. After the weekend clinic, you wouldn’t believe the change in my boy and ME!

The level of respect he now has for me, the gentle kind way I can now get him to do what I want and MOST IMPORTANTLY “NO HEAD FLICKING”. He didn’t head flick once the whole weekend! I just wanted to share my experience with you as maybe an option for you to try.

I’m not saying that it will work for you, but so far it has definitely made a difference for me and I was able to enjoy my baby again in a calm, non-head flicking way. I still have lots of work to do as the skills Rosemary showed us are not a one-off fix but an on-going way of life for you and your horse to enjoy. I’m hooked!


My young horse, Praise, turned a big corner with her education and training during the Natural Horsemanship weekend at Dune Lakes Lodge. This was our first experience of riding 'bit less'. Praise seemed happy and relaxed without a bridle - and I certainly didn't have any difficulties with my communication with her.

Day two we did some more advanced ground work - lateral work and float training etc. Our two main highlights were when I asked Praise to walk into the float whilst I sat on the mudguard! And the ultimate 'squeeze' - asking her to walk between the two trunks of a gum tree.


Our weekend getaway was incredible….!!! We had fantastic friendly hosts, learnt amazing new skills, made new friends, all on a beautiful relaxed property in a totally unspoiled part of the New Zealand less than an hour from Auckland. I’m sure if our horses could talk, they would say what happened to those softies we took away for the weekend, who are these focused inspired people. We totally recommend Dune Lakes Lodge for a relaxed weekend getaway or a weekend to extend your horse skills. Fabulous property and facilities. Cheers.

Olwyn & Nadine

Contact us to discuss

470 Wilson Road
South Kaipara Head
Helensville 0874

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